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Tidak bohonglah hati tentang apa yang di lihatnya (An-Najm:11)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Kewajiban Menunaikan Amanah
Perjalanan Arwah
Kalau seandainya berpindah, maka yang dihisab adalah orang lain?
Jawab: Apa yang guru filsafat tersebut katakan kepada kalian bahwasanya arwah seseorang berpindah kepada yang lainnya, tidaklah benar.
"Sesungguhnya perkataan tentang reinkarnasi arwah dari satu jasad kepada jasad yang lainnya adalah perkataannya ahlu at tanasukh (golongan yang berpendapat adanya reinkarnasi ) dan mereka adalah sekafir-kafirnya manusia dan perkataan mereka ini adalah sebatil-batilnya perkataan. (klik lanjutan
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Think! Maybe It Is for the Best
Now you are facing life on your own. Your parents have done their job and raised you, protected you and taught you as much as they could. Now you are on your own-just you and your Creator.
Are you still frustrated and angry when you do not get what you want from life?
clipped from Almighty Allah wants us to turn to Him for help, guidance, forgiveness and support. Out of His wisdom, Almighty Allah leaves us free to make decisions and explore life but He is there when we call on Him and turn to Him sincerely seeking His pleasure. Almighty Allah knows we will make mistakes and He sends us people and situations to test us and to help us learn. Sometimes, He the Almighty takes things from us but if we are patient and trust in Him, He gives us something better.
“There is nothing that befalls a believer, not even a thorn that pricks him, but Allah will record one good deed for him and will remove one bad deed from him.” (Muslim)
An Unforgettable Experience
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Are we then not to die? Except our former death, and are we not to be tormented? This indeed is the immense triumph. For the like of this, then, let the workers work! |