Tidak bohonglah hati tentang apa yang di lihatnya (An-Najm-11)

Tidak bohonglah hati tentang apa yang di lihatnya (An-Najm:11)


Sunday, November 25, 2007

CONVERSION : Ask About Islam ( Q & A )

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Understanding Conversion: Bridging the Two Selves

Do we need a bridge to join our inner selves? How can Muslims who converted to Islam link their lives before and after Islam?

How someone experiences the world and how they view it and life can completely change after choosing Islam.
Picture © Microsoft.com

Sometimes I think about how much my life has changed over the past nine years. When I try to reflect back on my days before Islam, I often find it difficult to recapture what life was like. Sure I can remember events, people, places, and different experiences, but to go back and really feel what it was like, I have to reflect deeply.
When I am able to reconnect with my "former self," I find it a remarkable experience. Although I am still very much the same person as I was in 1998, how I experience the world and how I view it and life has completely changed. Life is the same, yet different. 
Understanding ourselves can be a great source of wisdom.
Especially with those from the West, many, many engrained cultural values have to be challenged and overcome in order for "self-Islamization" to occur.
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Pentingnya Kebersamaan

clipped from www3.darussalaf.org
“Apakah mereka yang membagi-bagi rahmat Rabbmu? Kami telah menentukan antara mereka penghidupan mereka dalam kehidupan dunia, dan Kami telah meninggikan sebagian mereka atas sebagian yang lain beberapa derajat, agar sebagian mereka dapat mempergunakan sebagian yang lain. Dan rahmat Rabbmu lebih baik dari apa yang mereka kumpulkan.” (Az-Zukhruf: 32)
“…Dan janganlah kamu termasuk orang-orang yang mempersekutukan Allah, yaitu orang-orang yang memecah belah agama mereka dan mereka menjadi beberapa golongan. Tiap-tiap golongan merasa bangga dengan apa yang ada pada golongan mereka.” (Ar-Rum: 31-32)
“Dan berpeganglah kamu semuanya kepada tali (agama) Allah, dan janganlah kamu bercerai berai.” (Ali ‘Imran: 103)
Tentunya kepemimpinan tanpa ketaatan adalah sesuatu yang sia-sia. Oleh karena itu, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala memerintahkan untuk menaati seorang yang telah Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala takdirkan sebagai penguasa.
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Hukum Menerima Hadiah dari Penghasilan yang Haram

clipped from www3.darussalaf.org

Tanya : Apakah diterima hadiah dari orang yang bekerja pada perkara yang haram, atau sumbangannya untuk membangun mesjid atau selainnya dari amalan-amalan kebaikan?
Tanya : Apakah diterima hadiah dari orang yang bekerja pada perkara yang haram, atau sumbangannya untuk membangun mesjid atau selainnya dari amalan-amalan kebaikan?

Jawab : “Yang lebih hati-hati jangan diterima, kalau tidak maka (asalnya) dosa ditanggung oleh yang mengerjakan (perkara haram itu) secara langsung sebagaimana yang telah berlalu. Dan kami katakan bahwa dosanya ditanggung oleh yang mengerjakannya secara langsung karena Nabi Shollallahu ‘alaihi wa ‘ala alihi wasallam bermu’amalah dengan orang Yahudi sedangkan mereka bermu’amalah dengan riba dan terkadang mereka mengundang Nabi Shollallahu ‘alaihi wa ‘ala alihi wasallam (untuk makan) lalu beliau memenuhi undangan mereka padahal mereka bermu’amalah dengan riba”.
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Antara Sabar dan Syukur

clipped from www3.darussalaf.org

Setiap insan yang hidup di muka bumi ini pasti pernah mengalami suka dan duka. Tak ada insan yang diberi duka sepanjang hidupnya, karena ada kalanya kemanisan hidup menghampirinya. Demikian pula sebaliknya, tak ada insan yang terus merasa suka karena mesti suatu ketika duka menyapanya. Bila demikian tidaklah salah pepatah yang mengatakan, "Kehidupan ini ibarat roda yang berputar", terkadang di atas, terkadang di bawah. Terkadang bangun dan sukses, terkadang jatuh dan bangkrut, kadang kalah, kadang menang, kadang susah, kadang bahagia, kadang suka dan kadang duka… Begitulah kehidupan di dunia ini, kesengsaraannya dapat berganti bahagia, namun kebahagiannya tidaklah kekal.

“Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu terdapat tanda-tanda bagi setiap orang yang banyak bersabar lagi bersyukur.” (Ibrahim:5)
Qatadah rahimahullahu menafsirkan ayat di atas dengan mengatakan, “Dia adalah hamba yang bila diberi bersyukur dan bila diuji bersabar.” (An-Nukat wal ‘Uyun, 3/122)
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Pentingnya Shalat Berjamaah

clipped from www3.darussalaf.org
الْحَمْدُ لِلهِ عَلَى فَضْلِهِ وَإِحْسَانِهِ جَعَلَ الصَّلاَةَ عَمُوْدَ اْلإِسْلاَمِ وَأَحَدَ مَبَانِيْهِ الْعِظَامِ، وَأَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لاَ شَرِيْكَ لَهُ فِي رُبُوْبِيَّتِهِ وَأُلُوْهِيَّتِهِ وَأَسْمَائِهِ وَصِفَاتِهِ {تَبَارَكَ اسْمُ رَبِّكَ ذِي الْجَلاَلِ وَاْلإِكْرَامِ} [الرحمن: 78] وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُوْلُهُ وَصَفِيُّهُ وَخَلِيْلُهُ مِنْ بَيْنِ سَائِرِ اْلأَنَامِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَأَصْحَابِهِ الْبَرَرَةِ اْلكِرَامِ وَسَلَّمَ تَسْلِيْمًا كَثِيْرًا، أَمَّا بَعْدُ:


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Sehatnya Qalbu, Lurusnya Amal

clipped from www3.darussalaf.org
Kebagusan amalan anggota badan seorang hamba tergantung pada kebagusan qalbunya. Apabila qalbunya salim (sehat), tidak ada di dalamnya melainkan kecintaan kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Taala dan kecintaan kepada apa yang dicintai Allah Subhanahu wa Taala, takut kepada-Nya, takut terjatuh pada apa yang dibenci oleh-Nya, akan baguslah seluruh amalan anggota badannya. Akan tumbuh pula pada dirinya perasaan untuk menghindarkan diri dari segala perkara yang haram dan syubhat.


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Monday, November 19, 2007

The Black Stone...an Idol?

First of all, the Black Stone is not mentioned in the Qur' an. It is only a marker at which point the tawaf ( the circumambulation of the Ka' bah ) starts and ends. The traditions speak about kissing or touching the Stone during tawaf; but this is not compulsory. Our scholars are unanimous that waving in that direction is enough.

It is reported that 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab drew near the Black Stone and kissed it, saying :

" No doubt, I know that you are only a stone and can neither benefit nor harm anyone. If I had not seen Allah's Apostle kissing you I would not have kissed you." ( Al- Bukhari )

As for the Black Stone in the Ka`bah, it is not an idol; and nobody worships it. It is simply ‘a black stone’ and its chief use in the Ka`bah during pilgrimage is as a marking stone.

This basically means that we humans must not worship any god other than the One and Only Creator of the universe. You know the first of all commandments, according to Jesus is:

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one..” (Mark 12: 29)

Here he was actually reiterating the First Commandment of the Torah as revealed to Moses:

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one..” (Deuteronomy 6:4)

The Qur'an repeatedly and most emphatically states that God is One and Only. You can read this concrete Islamic concept in the Qur'an:

*{Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him.}* (Al-Ikhlas 112:1-4)

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When You Feel Bad

clipped from www.islamonline.net
There are days in our lives when we wake up and feel like a heavy gray cloud is hovering above our heads. In that moment everything seems so bleak, so hopeless and you can’t seem to shake it off. It may be you feel that way for a particular reason or perhaps you can’t quite seem to understand why you feel so bad.
Some people think that if they feel down or bad about themselves that they have weak faith. However, this is not necessarily the case. If we look at the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) we can identify a few times that he felt bad:
when he lost his newborn son

- when his daughter Ruqayya passed away, he used to sit beside her grave and weep for her

- when he lost his most beloved wife and companion, Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her)

when he lost his uncle Abu Talib who used to protect him
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I Have Failed - What Now?

clipped from www.islamonline.net
I wanted to share my story because I thought there might be other young people out there who are experiencing the same kind of problem.

Thanks to Allah I can talk to my mum and she supports me and tries to tell me things to help me understand how to cope.

At first I kept quiet and let them talk them I'd go somewhere and cry. I know it sounds like I'm chicken hearted but I really didn’t feel I had the strength inside to do anything else.
So I decided to try to do something. I made myself a small poster to put on my wall. On this poster I wrote down the things I have to be careful of. Things like: don't be negative; when I'm upset, talk; study each subject everyday and seek help for things I don't understand well…. The list was a bit long and I also wrote things I wanted to remember if I feel down again. Things like 'Life is sink or swim,' and 'stand up for yourself.'
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So Many Reasons to Cry

clipped from www.islamonline.net
Did you ever stop and think that most people in the world do not have their basic needs fulfilled? By basic needs, I mean things like sufficient food and water, adequate shelter, stability, safety and security, acceptance, and enough education to feel hope for the future. Not having even one of these basic needs met gives one enough reason to cry.
Look at yourself and look at the people around you and think about how life is not perfect. We might all wish and dream for perfection in ourselves and in life, but it is the touch of imperfection that makes people and life perfect!

Does it make you feel better to know that everyone carries some kind of pain? That everyone, if they were truly honest, would acknowledge their imperfection and bad feelings that they experience from time to time. Does it make you feel stronger to know that not everyone who carries pain becomes a junkie? Not everyone sets out and blames the world for how they are and what they face?

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Learning to Control Anger

One Outburst at a Time
clipped from www.islamonline.net
Do you get angry? Often? How do you express your anger? Do you think you are unique in your family in the way you express your anger? If not, do you find yourself repeating another family member's style of expressing anger? Have you witnessed someone become angry recently? What about in your own family? How did their reaction make you feel?
The popular advice we often hear these days about handling anger is "don't hold it in, let it out." We are told that it is unhealthy to hold in our anger. Television shows, movies, and video games tend to sensationalize outbursts of anger, often showing in too much detail the facial expressions of angry people and the wanton destruction they wreak. Although the great debate as to how much popular entertainment influences personal lives rages on, one thing is for sure: Anger hurts not only the person becoming angry but also people close to that person. Frequent outbursts of anger ultimately will negative affect a person's physical health as well.
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A Life With No Fear

clipped from www.islamonline.net
I watched a program on TV about the survivors of the tsunami in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. I noticed how resilient the people are. There are still miles and miles of 2-meter-high rotting rubble that needs to be cleared so the people can start seriously rebuilding. Many people have left the area to inland villages because they have nowhere to stay and are awaiting the time when they can safely return.

In the course of this program I saw an interview with an old woman. She had become a kind of mother figure to many of the orphan children and youth who were saved from the tsunami and had lost their families.

She looked very old but also very calm, like she had a lot of inner strength. I thought, how special she is! What she said was translated and so I understood what she wanted to say. She was telling the young people to be responsible and not to think only about themselves; that true and lasting survival depended on everyone working together to build up the community again.
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Hijab and Sports


Asmahan Mansour and her teammates

In late February 2007, 11-year-old Asmahan Mansour was ordered to remove her hijab or leave the field during a soccer tournament in the Canadian province of Quebec. The referee, who is also Muslim, said that her hijab would endanger her safety. After she was ejected from the game, her team walked off in protest. Four other teams forfeited their games and left the field in support of Ms. Mansour.
As a result of this incident, there has been much discussion surrounding hijab and sports. Is it possible to adhere to the proper Islamic dress code and at the same time be physically active? Is it a challenge to do so and what are some ways to overcome this challenge? Islamonline.net recently asked some Muslim reverts these very questions, and their responses were as follows.
ealth issues on both parents' sides, I understand the impo
When a child has a passion for a sport, it can transcend barriers and bring people together.
Modesty and sports can go together.
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Friday, November 16, 2007

Awas Hadis Palsu: Bacaan Al-Qur'an atas kubur satu Bida'ah

By: Azamin Amin

Hadis-hadis palsu seringkali digunapakai dalam amalan segelintir umat Islam yang perlu diperbetulkan malah wajar dibanteras penggunaan hadis tersebut dalam menghuraikan ajaran agama oleh segelintir individu yang tidak bertanggungjawab menjadi lebih berleluasa.

Sebagai renungan beberapa contoh yang disebarkan yang wajar dikaji semula adalah membaca Al-Qur'an ketika ziarah kubur yang bersandarkan kepada satu hadis iaitu : " Barang siapa berziarah ke kuburan kedua-dua orang tua atau salah satu di antara mereka pada hari jumaat dan membacakan surah Yassin, maka dia akan diampuni dosanya dan dihitung sebagai kebaikan".

Hadis sebegini telah dijadikan dalil untuk menjustifikasikan amalan membaca Al-Qur'an dikubur, kononnya amalan itu adalah suatu sunnah yang diamalkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW dan para sahabat r.a.

Sedangkan ia merupakan sebuah hadis palsu yang mana kepalsuannya telah ditegaskan oleh para ulama hadis seperti Ibn Adiyy dalam Al-Kamil Fi Ducafa' Ar-Rijal, Az-Zahabi dalam Mizan Al-Ictidal Fi Naqd ar-Rijal, As-Suyuti dalam Al-Laili' Al-Masnu'ah Fi Al-Ahadith Al-Maudu'ah.

Satu lagi hadis palsu berkaitan membaca Al-Qur'an dikubur ialah yang bermaksud, " Barang siapa yang berziarah di kuburan, kemudian dia membaca Al-Fatihah, Qul Huwallahu Ahad dan Al-Hakumut Takasur, lalu ia berdoa : " Ya Allah, Kuhadiahkan pahala pembacaan firman-mu pada kaum mukminin penghuni kubur ini, maka mereka akan menjadi penolong baginya ( pemberi syafaat ) pada hari kiamat".

"Saya telah cuba setakat terdaya menyemak sumber dan status hadis ini sama ada dalam kitab-kitab yang mengumpul hadis sahih atau yang mengumpul hadis daif dan palsu, tetapi gagal menemuinya," kata seorang pensyarah Dr. Azwira Abdul Aziz dari Jabatan Pengajian Al-Quran & As-Sunnah, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

"Tiada sesiapa pun yang menghukum amalan ziarah kubur sambil memberi salam kepada penghuni kubur serta berdoa dan beristighfar untuk mereka sebagai amalan bidaah. Kerana amalan sedemikian memang disunahkan oleh Nabi s.a.w. melalui nas-nas yang sahih.

"Berbeza dengan amalan ziarah kubur sambil membaca al-Quran di atasnya, di mana jumhur ulama memang melihatnya sebagai bidaah, kerana beberapa alasan ilmiah," katanya dan tambahnya kerana tidak ada nas sahih yang menyokong amalan membaca al-Quran di kubur.
Semua hadis berkenaan amalan tersebut tiada asal usulnya (palsu) sebagaimana yang ditegaskan oleh Al-Albani dalam Ahkam Al-Janaiz Wa Bida'iha, katanya. - mks.

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Patience of Believers

The following example in the Qur' an about the patience evinced in displaying moral perfection will give us a better understanding of this concept:

[ A good action and a bad action are not the same. Requite the bad with something better and, if there is enmity between you and someone else, he will become like a bosom friend. None will attain this attribute save those who are truly steadfast. None will attain it save those who have great good fortune ] ( Fussilat 41:34-35 )

Patience is one of the most important signs of a believer's sincerity and efforts to draw near to Allah.

For a believer, the scope of patience is not limited to enduring difficulties and problems with calmness. In the light of the verse,[You who believe, be steadfast; be supreme in steadfastness…] (Aal `Imran 3:200), throughout his life, he shows an undeviating commitment to meticulously fulfilling all the commands of the Qur’an, to avoiding what is unlawful, to displaying moral perfection in every situation, without becoming daunted or losing heart. In short, he resolutely shows the patience and good manners prescribed by the religion. That is because one can develop these noble character traits only if one makes a steady effort. It is the people of faith who exhibit patience when making such efforts. As the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) informed Muslims in the following hadith, they know that patience is a gift for them from Allah: “No-one can be given a better and more abundant gift than patience” (Bukhari and Muslim).
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

101 East ; BERSIH rally and Democracy...Malaysian - style

clipped from www.jeffooi.com

The 101 East segment on BERSIH Rally... Several Malaysians have taken the trouble to YouTube the programme for those who don't have access to Astro Channel 513, to share the information to enable you make information decision about Malaysia.

However, all the YouTube were badly produced -- bad audio and bad visuals -- while this one with good captures was superimposed with some distracting alien materials that reduced the authenticity of the original footages.

View this set -- Part I and Part II -- while we wait for Al-Jazeera to YouTube its own version.

Teymoor's three guest were people, one way or another, who spoke from the perspective of law: Lawyer Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, law minister Nazri Aziz, and the Son-in-Law.

Sieve the rhetorics, but get the message if this country is in save hands -- Democracy, Malaysian style.

P/S I gave a perspective on ZDNet Asia... pants down.

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Selamat Membaca
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Muslim Belief in Good

By Harun Yahya

Muslim believe that every event that happens to the believer has some sort of goodness in it. God states that even events that seem to be unfavorable may have a lot of good in them :

[ It may well be that you dislike something in which Allah has a placed a lot of good.] ( An-Nisaa' 4:19 )

[ It may be that you hate something when it is good for you and it may be that you love something when it is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know.] ( Al-Baqarah 2:216 )
Muslims believe that even bad situations has some goodness in them

Muslims believe that even bad situations have some goodness in them. Picture © Microsoft.com

Accordingly, believers give their most inner thanks to Him because no loss in this world equals the loss in the hereafter. Loss in the hereafter means eternal and intolerable punishment, unless God wills otherwise.

Muslims believe that people should seek goodness and beauty not only in ordeals, but also in daily routines.

Those who are aware that everything has a purpose in God's creation never use phrases such as "I wish I had not done this" or "I wish I had not said that" and so on.

[Those who follow My guidance will feel no fear and will know no sorrow.](Al-Baqarah 2:38)

[Yes, the closer servants of Allah will feel no fear nor shall they grieve: those who believe and have done their duty, there is good news for them in the life of the world and in the Hereafter. There is no changing the words of Allah. That is the great victory.](Yunus 10:62-64)

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