Tidak bohonglah hati tentang apa yang di lihatnya (An-Najm-11)

Tidak bohonglah hati tentang apa yang di lihatnya (An-Najm:11)


Monday, October 29, 2007

A Glimpse at Early Women Islamic Scholars

From the very beginning of the human saga, Allah makes it quite clear that men and women are equal being created from one single soul, sharing the same father and mother , and subservient unto the same Lord. The verse mentioned above came to the Messenger of Allah ( peace and blessing be upon him ) at a time when women were being humiliated and tortured.

Allah says: [ and when the female child, buried alive, will be asked: For what sin was she killed ] ( At-Takwir 81:8-9) This refer to an ancient practice of the Arabs ( and even some modern societies through abortion) who would kill their female children from fear of being humiliated in the community, or out of fear that they would not have the means to provide for them.

Islam came to eradicate these ignorant practices, amongst others, and after twenty-three years of prophetic teachings, it had conferred unto women a status that was previously unthinkable.
The following is a transcript of a lecture delivered by Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwi, a Research Fellow in Oxford University's Centre for Islamic Studies, on the role of women scholars in preserving and transmitting prophetic tradition (Hadith) in Islam. The original transcript has been edited by Imam Zaid Shakir to enhance readability.
[O Mankind! Fear your Lord who has created you from a single soul, and from it He created its mate; and from them both, He brought forth multitudes of men and women. Be mindful of Allah through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and revere the wombs that bore you. Surely, Allah is ever watching over you.] (An-Nisaa' 4:1)
Historically, women played a major role in preserving the Qur'an and developing the science of Hadith.

Both men and women today need to revive the rich Islamic heritage of Muslim women scholars.

This independence in faith is exemplified by the fact that the wives of Noah and Lot (peace upon them) both rejected faith. Hence, the Qur'an affirms that even the wife of a Prophet is free to believe or disbelieve.
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