When Islam ordained woman to cover her hair and to dress modestly, it was not to infringe on her rights and impede her freedom, but rather to grant her the dignity and respect that she deserves. The Islamic dress code enables the woman to have an independent identity that is far removed from the dictates of fashion.
Tidak bohonglah hati tentang apa yang di lihatnya (An-Najm:11)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Why We Dress As We Do
Dressed to Impress?
Who dictates what is fashionable and what is not depends on where in the world you came from. If you are from West Africa, for instance, bright colors, long dresses, and fancy headgear usually dominate the fashion scene. If you are from Pakistan, it may be the beautiful salwar karneez that defines a keen fashion sense. And if you subscribe to some extreme Western fashion trends, the norm is to pay often-exorbitant prices to wear as little as possible and leave almost nothing to the imagination!
Over the past few years, however, we have seen an increasing number of young Muslim women donning the headscarf and dressing more modestly than before. While this may more than irk supporters of "liberal" fashion, the trend seems to be growing. While men's fashion practically never dominates the headlines, women's fashion is deeply entrenched in social and economic spheres.
Different Reasons
Have you ever consciously asked yourself, "Why do I dress the way I do?" Is it for the religious reason, cultural reasons, or social reasons? Is your sense of dress influenced by your faith, your nationality, or your society/community? Are you influenced by local or international fashion trends?
Over the past few years, however, staggering debate has surrounded the issue of Muslim women's dress, and what is quite fascinating is that much of the debate is dominated mostly by non-Muslims, some of who consider the complete covering of a woman's body as oppressive, others seem to understand the logic behind it, and others remain indifferent, accepting that dressing in such a way is an individual's decision.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Kisah Nenek Pemungut Daun
Dahulu di sebuah kota di Madura, ada seorang nenek tua penjual bunga cempaka. Ia menjual bunganya di pasar, setelah berjalan kaki cukup jauh.Usai jualan, ia pergi ke Masjid Agung di kota itu. Ia berwudhu, masuk Masjid, dan melakukan solat Zhuhur. Setelah membaca wirid sekedarnya, ia keluar Masjid dan membungkuk-bungkuk di halaman masjid. Ia mengumpulkan dedaunan yang berceceran di halaman masjid. Selembar demi selembar dikaisnya. Tidak satu lembar pun ia lewatkan. Tentu saja agak lama ia membersihkan halaman masjid dengan cara itu. Padahal matahari Madura di siang hari sungguh menyegat. Keringatnya membasahi seluruh tubuhnya.
Banyak pengunjung masjid jatuh iba kepadanya. Pada suatu hari Takmir masjid memutuskan untuk membersihkan dedaunan itu sebelum perempuan tua itu datang.
Pada hari itu, ia datang dan langsung masuk masjid. Usai solat, ketika ia ingin melakukan pekerjaan rutinnya, ia terkejut. Tidak ada satu pun daun terserak di situ. Ia kembali lagi ke masjid dan menangis dengan keras. Ia mempertanyakan mengapa daun-daun itu sudah isapukan sebelum kedatangannya. Orang-orang menjelaskan bahwa mereka kasihan kepadanya. "Jika kalian kasihan kepadaku," kata nenek itu, "Berikan kesempatan kepadaku untuk membersihkannya."
Singkat cerita, nenek itu di biarkan mengumpulkan dedaunan itu seperti biasa. Seorang Kiai terhormat diminta untuk menanyakan kepada perempuan itu mengapa ia begitu bersemangat membersihkan dedaunan itu. Perempuan tua itu mau menjelaskan sebabnya dengan dua syarat: pertama, hanya Kiai yang mendengarkan rahsianya; kedua,rahsia itu tidak boleh disebarkan ketika ia masih hidup. Sekarang ia sudah meninggal dunia, dan anda dapat memperdengarkan rahsia itu.
Bila Kuburan Diagungkan Bah.1 & Bah.2
Menebar Pesona , Menuai Petaka
Monday, October 29, 2007
A Glimpse at Early Women Islamic Scholars
Allah says: [ and when the female child, buried alive, will be asked: For what sin was she killed ] ( At-Takwir 81:8-9) This refer to an ancient practice of the Arabs ( and even some modern societies through abortion) who would kill their female children from fear of being humiliated in the community, or out of fear that they would not have the means to provide for them.
Islam came to eradicate these ignorant practices, amongst others, and after twenty-three years of prophetic teachings, it had conferred unto women a status that was previously unthinkable.
A Visit Hard To Forget
" I'm here, I'm finally here,All praise to God who brought me here again."
These are usually the first words I utter as soon as my ayes fall on the minarets of Prophet Muhammad's mosque on my way from the airport to the hotel in Madinah.
Throughout my ride, I keep staring out of the window of the bus trying to catch a glimpse from a distance of Prophet Muhammad's mosque.
I've been visiting Madinah every Ramadan for the last fifteen years. I believe this is a great blessing from God because once your feet step on the ground there, you feel what thousands of pictures cannot tell or transfer: the spirit of Madinah, Prophet Muhammad's city. "Once your feet step on the ground there, you feel what thousands of pictures can't tell..."
"As I look at the faces of these women, I ponder at the amount of love they carry for a man they never met!" A Garden From Paradise There are two timings for visiting Prophet's Muhammad grave for women, as the grave lies in the men's section of the mosque. As soon as the doors open for women to enter, hundreds and thousands of women rush towards the grave to try to pray in the area called Al-Rawdah Al-Sharifah (the area now between Prophet Muhammad's grave and his pulpit). |
Sense and Sensitivity
Aspects of the early years as a Muslim are all too often forgotten and ignored. This article may emerge as polemic outlook on Muslims' attempts to help those who have entered the fold of Islam. My aim is not to have a good moan at the Muslim community. That would be futile and only widen the gap that may already exist between us all.
I prefer to see this as one of those methods of self-development where to improve we must accept our faults, but to accept them we must first be aware of them.
There are numerous articles on this site, as well as videos and books elsewhere to satiate us Muslims on the growth of Islam, giving us that ‘feel-good factor’ often needed in this Islamophobic milieu. But there is an issue that is too often ignored. What about how new Muslims, and prospective Muslims are dealt with in our communities? After people revert to Islam how do we go about advising, helping, guiding and most of all befriending them?? Is it a case of “You are on your now, you’ve said your shahada!” or, “Come to my house and meet the family, but there are a long list of does and don’ts you must follow.” As for knowledge and direction in Islam, it was delivered at a speedy rate. Probably it was a rate that was just right for me at that time. I had been starved enough and I had a big appetite. But this was not the same for others. |
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The Love of Animals
The Prophet Muhammad taught mercy to all of God’s creation. There are many reports of his love for cats resulting in their historical acceptance among Muslims. Cats were very common among the people during the time of the Prophet, and he said, “They (cats) are not impure and they intermingle with you.”1 The cat is such a clean animal that according to authentic narrations one may make ablution for Prayer with the same water that a cat drank from. Yet, it is known that some people nowadays have opposed the traditions of the Prophet by taking up the evil practices of torturing and poisoning cats. In Islam, punishment for such acts is severe. Both Al-Bukhari and Muslim reported a hadith regarding a woman who locked up a cat, refusing to feed it and not releasing it so that it could feed itself. The Prophet Muhammad said that her punishment on the Day of Judgment will be torture and Hell. |
Who Are Children of Jihad?
Question: A friend's first reaction when seeing the book cover was, "Why do you want to read something that was written by an American Jew about the Middle East?" So what do you have to say to those people? What makes your book any different than the many other books that have been written on the Middle East? Answer: People could have said the same thing to me , "As a Jewish person, why would you want to go to the Middle East?" My answer to your friend is that there are far too many stereotypes and misperceptions of different religions around the world. What I have found from my experience is that it doesn't matter what ones religion is, it doesn't matter what group they are affiliated with, I found in my travels throughout the Middle East that young people have more in common with me as a young American Jew than they do differences. This is probably the last thing that someone might expect to hear from someone with my background and this is why I think it is important. |
Did You Miss Your Appointment Today?
If your best friend calls and asks to meet you in half an hour, you will hurry to meet your friend, even if you had been in the middle of something important. If you get the chance to make some money or meet an important person or go to some great place, you will organize yourself for days beforehand so that you don’t miss your chance.
Not realizing how important Fajr Prayer is Not yet developed a sound consciousness of Allah, so unaware of the significance of the next life Carried away with worldly pursuits Lazy Sleeps too late and so cannot get up There is no one in his house to urge him or her to get up |
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Hijab-Ez : Don't Bite My Back
I Don't Want to Wear Hijab Anymore!
Sixteen-year-old Hala sat stubbornly on her bed. She looked over at her hijab lying over the back of the chair and sighed. That small piece of cloth these days seemed to be affecting her life more than anyone could imagine. It had been some time since she and her mother had spoken — not because she did not want to speak, but because she did not know what to say. "I don't wanna wear hijab anymore." "Why?" "Because I'm not doing it for Allah. I'm just doing it to please you. I'm not getting any blessings for it." "Do you want me to agree that you disobey Allah? What do you think I should say to Allah when He asks me about you?" "I'll wear it again when it's coming sincerely from my heart." "But you can still wear it and work on your heart." "I can't do it that way."
"I'll wear it again, but not now." |
Reflections- Hijab
Hijab for me is a sign of purity and the way to preserve our beauty and purity for only one man. We wait all our lives till we find that one guy which Allah the Almighty has chosen for us. What a beautiful and refreshing feeling! Allah has made things easy for us by blessing us with the gift of hijab and by helping us follow the steps of how we can secure our inner and outer beauty which prevents us from being harassed and manipulated by society. Allah says: “He has not laid upon you in religion any hardship.” (Al-Hajj: 78) “Allah wishes to lighten the burden for you; for certainly man has been created weak!” (An-Nisa’: 28) Muslim women observe hijab (covering the head and the body) because Allah has told them to do so. |
The Right Step-Hijab!
In today's world, we find several young women hesitating to take the "hijab" step. They think millions of times before taking this decision. Many young women say, "I can not wear it before getting married"; “I might lose my job if I wear hijab"; or “I want to wear hijab but it will prevent me from life's pleasures, such as playing my favorite sport or wearing fashionable clothes". In fact, quite a few young women feel that the hijab acts as an obstacle for reaching their aims and aspirations in life, and hinders them from enjoying their life freely. The Right Choice Enjoy Your Life Wearing Hijab In terms of her career life, she owns an advertising company and her job as a business development manager requires that she deal with several multinational companies. "The hijab never hinders my career, in fact I’m so proud to wear it,” observes El Sharkawi. Responsibility |