Tidak bohonglah hati tentang apa yang di lihatnya (An-Najm-11)

Tidak bohonglah hati tentang apa yang di lihatnya (An-Najm:11)


Thursday, October 25, 2007

When God Enters Your Vocabulary

A British " Mystery Girl " Choose Islam

No fake tan?

Cover my hair?

Are you crazy?!

My Background and Personality

A Friday afternoon at school full of excitement and chatter about what to do at the weekend, what clothes to wear, will I pass for 18 to get into the coolest club? My ambitions in this stage of my life where to a) have fun b)impress boys and c) to look gorgeous, But was I fulfilled? Did I respect myself

In the Islamic worldview, having the perfect look should never be a goal in itself.

In the Islamic worldview, having the perfect look should never be a goal in itself. Picture © Microsoft.com.

He then placed his hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes and said "it's you, you're the mystery girl".  
Should I have scrubbed off the fake tan and the makeup? 
There were just the glances between my mum and dad thinking I had become a "weird religious person"  
My dad said he would never admit to anyone his daughter was a Muslim…  
Religion is a taboo subject in our house and is never mentioned. 

The word God had never been part of my vocabulary (apart from the R.E lessons at school!) and I had never been brought up in a religions family. Eventually after many long conversations and questions both answered and unanswered, my partner wanted to become faithful to God, Allah, as well as me.

Learning not to despair when things don't happen the way you plan, and being determined when faced with a difficult situation is not easy.

But Allah tests those of whom he loves.
 blog it

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